IBM OS/400 Asset Protection Standards:
System Console QCONSOLE value is: DSP03: Console name. This value is set by the system administrator. It is recommended that the system be located in a physically secure location.
Dedicated Service Tools
Security Level
QSECURITY value is: 40, Default value is: 10, System security level. It is recommended that a level of no less than 30 be used.
Allow User Domain Objects QALWUSRDMN value is: *ALL, Default value is: *ALL: Allow user domain objects in any library on the system.
Password Formatting Rules QPWDEXPITV value is: 45, Default value is: *NOMAX: Password expiration interval. QPWDLMTAJC value is: 1, Default value is: 0: Limit adjacent digits in password. QPWDLMTCHR value is: @#$, Default value is: *NONE: Limit characters in password. QPWDLMTREP value is: 2, Default value is: 0: Limit repeating characters in password. QPWDLVL value is: 0, Default value is: 0: Password level. QPWDMAXLEN value is: 10, Default value is: 8: Maximum password length. QPWDMINLEN value is: 6, Default value is: 6: Minimum password length. QPWDRQDDGT value is: 1, Default value is: 0: Require digit in password. QPWDRQDDIF value is: 6, Default value is: 0: Duplicate password control.
Maximum Sign-On Attempts QRMTSIGN value is: *FRCSIGNON, Default value is: *FRCSIGNON: Remote sign-on control. If there isn't a need for access, set this value to *REJECT instead. QMAXSGNACN value is: 3, Default value is: 3: Action to take for failed signon attempts.
Limit Security Officer Access QLMTSECOFR value is: 1, Default value is: 1, Limit security officer device access.
Remote Sign-On Control QRMTSIGN value is: *FRCSIGNON, Default value is: *FRCSIGNON: Remote sign-on control. If there isn't a need for access, set this value to *REJECT instead.
Limit Number of Device Sessions QLMTDEVSSN value is: 1, Default value is: 0: Limit device sessions. QMAXSGNACN value is: 3, Default value is: 3: Action to take for failed signon attempts.
Automatic Configuration of Local Devices QAUTOCFG value is: 0, Default value is: 1, Allows the autoconfigure of local devices if this is set to a 0.
Automatic Configuration of Virtual Devices QMAXSIGN value is: 4, Default value is: 3: Maximum sign-on attempts allowed. QAUTOVRT value is: 0, Default value is: 0: Autoconfigure virtual devices. This allows for the automatic configuration of virtual devices.
Attention Program