DS 4.8 IT Services Recovery and Resumption
Control Objective:
Plan the actions to be taken for the period when IT is recovering and resuming services. This may include activation of backup sites, initiation of alternative processing, customer and stakeholder communication, resumption procedures, etc. Ensure the business understands IT recovery times and the necessary technology investments to support business recovery and resumption needs.
- Sarbanes-Oxley
- NIST SP 800-66
- Ditscap
- Control Exception
- User Defined
Risk Association Control Activities:
- 1. Risk: Mission critical data is not available to restart applications due to systems failure.
- a. SOX.2.3.1: Up-to-date backups of programs and data should be available in emergencies.
- 1. Risk: Mission critical data is not available to restart applications due to systems failure.
Implementation Guide:
Process Narrative
Insert a description of the process narration that is applicable to the existing control statement this narrative refers to.
Process Illustration
Insert a process diagram, flowchart or other visual representation here to illustrate the process narrative.
Control Commentary
Insert a description of the control that is applicable to the existing control statement this commentary refers to.
Control Exception Commentary
Insert a description of the control exception that is applicable to the existing control statement this commentary refers to.
Evidence Archive Location
Insert Evidence Description Here.
Control Status and Auditors Commentary
Describe the condition of the applicable control and its effectiveness. Set the color icon to a redlock.jpg, yellowlock.jpg or greenlock.jpg.
Remediation Plan
Insert remediation plan, applicability, or any information that indicates what needs to be done.
Supplemental Information: